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These value-packed, casual conversations will feel like you are in the room with us, chatting over coffee with friends!
We find industry experts that align with the Healthy Living Doesn't Have to SUCK message to share with you!
Each week, we will provide realistic tips for you to apply the information you learn to your own life!
Hey y'all! My name is Melyssa with a WHY, lifestyle medicine coach with over 15 years of experience with behavior modification. I wrote my book, Healthy Living Doesn’t Have to SUCK, to teach people how to develop health promoting habits in a sustainable, enjoyable way!
After years of my own personal experience with yo-yo dieting and fitness fads, I finally discovered the power of engaging in health and wellness coaching as a way to overcome all of the other typical, short-lived programs. As a lifelong science geek, the method to my madness incorporates a multidisciplinary, evidence-based approach stemming from lifestyle medicine, positive psychology, and acceptance and commitment coaching.
So if you're looking for a coach that is classy, sassy, and a bit badass-y... Then you're in the right place!
In this week’s episode, Melyssa shares how taking scary action has gotten her incredible opportunities, like a $10K contract in her business and a paid trip to speak in NYC! This podcast episode is brought to you by K-POW Nutrition! Use our affiliate code “CHANGEMAKER” at kpowsupplements.com to save 10% off your order! Please remember […]
In this week’s episode, Melyssa shares her recent experiences with body image issues and ways she has worked to take action to overcome them! This podcast episode is brought to you by Not Only Pants! Use our affiliate code “CHANGEMAKER” at notonlypants.com to save 20% off your order! Please remember to Follow/Subscribe, Rate & Review! […]
In this week’s episode, Melyssa talks about the different types of goals and how to shift your goals from an emotion-focused goal to a behavior-focused goal! This podcast episode is brought to you by K-POW Nutrition! Use our affiliate code “CHANGEMAKER” at kpowsupplements.com to save 10% off your order! Please remember to Follow/Subscribe, Rate & […]
In this week’s episode, Melyssa is baffled by the fact that the year is already at it’s halfway point and provides a quick check-in for deciding how you want the last half of the year to look! Please remember to Follow/Subscribe, Rate & Review! License free music in this episode provided by Pure Energy GO!
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Recommend a guest or topic for the show! Please use the form below or you can email us directly at info@melyssawithawhy.com. We are not always accepting new guests, but we would love to hear what you have in mind. For sponsorships, please email info@melyssawithawhy.com.